Welcome toIntroductionprovides the tools you need to run a ring of web sites, i.e. a system of links between web sites of a similar topic, content, or interest. It makes use of the Ringlink Webring Program. Rings hosted atWelcome to visit our Ring list. You may find a webring worth exploring or, if you have an own web site, maybe there is a ring you'd like to join. Please study the homepages of respective webring to find out more about what they are, requirements for joining, etc. Site admin Ring admin Start your own webringIf you wish to set up a ring using , there are various resources available to help you get started. The Ringlink Homepage includes docs such as a FAQ, and examples of navigation panels and other customization examples. Useful general help about setting up and running a ring of web sites can be found at the World of Webrings site. Ring homepageEach webring is supposed to have a homepage with info for ring surfers, members and prospective members. A ring homepage may include:
It's advisable to check out the homepages of some existing webrings for tips of what is typically included. Basically, the idea is that the ring shall be presented in a way that makes sense to both your visitors and members. These are some useful strings for a ringmaster to put up in links at the ring homepage: List sites in ring Random site in ring Ring statistics Search ring Add new site Get HTML code / Edit site This JavaScript code displays the current number of member sites: <script type="text/javascript" The ring code for the navigation panel, that the members shall put up on their sites, can be fully customized in "Ring admin". If you have questions, please contact the . Mailing listIf you need further help, post your problem to the Ringlink-open mailing list, which is a discussion forum for Ringlink users. The list is also available for general comments on the Program, suggestions for new features, etc. Postings to the list are archived in the Ringlink-open Archive. Other Ringlink webringsRinglink Systems Directory (ring hosts) |